
Memories of Tenerife (A Visual Poem)

Memories of Tenerife

By Natasha Jones

As I was leaving

I remember feeling

like It was all a dream

Like it was real

Until I disappeared into the candy floss clouds

Homeward bound

With my blue suitcase

and playful heart full of memories

Starry skies before dawn

Palm trees flickering

Gentle wind


Sun kissed skin

And none of this would have existed

f it wasn’t for a last minute decision

Made on a whim

When things didn’t make any sense

It made the most sense to go

And when things didn’t go as planned

I learned to dance

Like we did at 4am

on those hot October nights at La Bowie

Not all those who wander are lost

But I think I am

But then again, maybe we all are and I’m just not afraid to admit it

The same way I’m not afraid to love like a poet

And why would I be?

I feel too much to live a lukewarm life

Sunset stretched across great expanse

Even an eternal Summer is destined to come to an end

When the cliff left my peripherals

I was drifting on a precipice

Living somewhere in between

Reality and dream

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